Random: perfect Pokemon graphics not showing up… oh

Photo: The Pokémon Company

Pokemon Games have had their fair share of criticism over the years, often targeting their visuals specifically. It seems that criticism like this has increased over time as well with the likes Pokemon Legends: ArceusAnd Pokemon Sword and Shieldand even recently announced pokemon scarlet and violet They all receive great heat from the fans on their graphic patterns.

Well, Twitter user Tweet embed He has created what we think may be the best 3D Pokémon investigation we’ve seen so far. By creating a kind of shading effect and using the artistic style of Pokemon character designer Ken Sugimori, pokeyugami has created an amazing mix of old and new.

Looks great, doesn’t it? We assume that the environment in question here is the Viridian Forest of pokemon red and blue, with creatures typical of that particular region – such as Pikachu, Weedle and Caterpillar – all roaming. Sure, it lacks detail in some areas, like the bright white background, but the main protagonist looks amazing!

Odds are Game Freak would never choose a style like this for major Pokémon games, unfortunately, but we can still dream up. However, it’s clear that the team is slowly but surely tackling the 3D visuals, with Scarlet & Violet looking beautiful in some places!

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What do you think of the art style presented here? Do you wish Pokemon games looked like this? Let’s know!

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