Vladimir Putin is making key decisions about the war in Ukraine without significant influence from Russia’s top military officials, the US-based global policy think tank RAND Corporation reported Thursday, indicating that the Kremlin leader is making those decisions. in an increasingly isolated way.
“Without significant influence from Russian civil servants, Putin makes key decisions on his own,” the think tank said, adding that the Russian military in Ukraine has several major weaknesses, including a fear of giving bad news or negative statements. Fight for their superiors.
The report added that Putin and his closest advisers had “little use of economic or military expertise,” including that Putin had “narrowed the channel of information reaching him” to eliminate any voices with conflicting advice. Diplomats and Ministers.
Moscow’s war efforts have been hit by reports of purges at high levels in Russia and a reshuffle of commanders in charge of operations in Ukraine. “The crises seem to have affected him personally, adding emotion and anger to an already existing decision-making process,” he revealed.
The U.S. group also highlighted that while many decisions in the conflict have come from the hands of Russian public servants, the Kremlin leader is “more reluctant to escalate than he was before the war, especially against NATO.” – Putin is unpredictable, which adds another level of uncertainty to military decisions. The report concluded, however, that Western countries supporting Ukraine “underestimated Russia’s fear of NATO and its consequent reluctance to confront NATO directly.”
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