Put an end to ‘beer belly’ without cutting out alcohol completely

oh Excess fat in the belly area is often called a ‘beer belly’. It may not be because of this drink, but because of how it is known. Did you know that you can lose a few centimeters without completely cutting out alcohol?

Aman Puri is a nutritionist and reveals on the HealthShots website what to do to reduce your ‘beer belly’ without ever giving up alcohol. Know everything.

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Eating carefully

“To avoid excess fat around the belly, choose a diet rich in fresh fruits and vegetables, low in sugar, and high in fiber.”

Regular physical activity

“This will help you burn excess calories and gradually burn fat over time.”

Drink water and other fluids

“They help revitalize the liver and remove toxins and waste from the body.”

Cut back on sugar and calories

“Try to choose healthier food alternatives, such as opting for steamed or grilled foods instead of fried foods.”

Sleep well

“Lack of sleep puts the body under stress and leads to a decrease in appetite-controlling hormones.”

Moderate alcohol consumption

“Smaller portions are the easiest way to get rid of the stomach and give up alcohol altogether.”

Also Read: Doctors Warn Of Dangers Of Mixing These Medicines With Alcohol

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