Pope: Theology in today’s world must be able to interpret the Gospel

With the Motu Proprio “Ad theologiam promondam,” Francis renews the statutes of the Academy of Theology, calling prophecy and dialogue in light of revelation “a bold cultural revolution.”

Tiziana Campisi – Vatican News

“A synodal, missionary and ‘outgoing’ Church can only correspond to an ‘outgoing’ theology, which “interprets the present prophetically”, foreseeing “new itineraries for the future, in the light of revelation”. From this point of view, Pope Francis, with the Apostolic Letter in motu proprio form Ad Theology Pramontum, It was decided to renew the statutes of the Pontifical Academy of Theology dated November 1, 2023. Canonically instituted by Clement XI on April 23, 1718, with abbreviation InscrutabiliTo “place theology at the service of the Church and the world”, the Academy has evolved over the years into “a group of scholars called to explore and deepen specific relevant theological themes”.

Now, for the Pope, it is time to reconsider the norms that regulate his activities “to be more relevant to the task that our time imposes on theology.” By opening itself to the world and to man, with “its problems, its wounds, its challenges, its potential”, theological reflection must open the space for “an epistemological and methodological rethinking”, thus calling for a “bold cultural revolution”. . What is needed is “a fundamental situational theology”, writes the Pope, “the ability to read and interpret the Gospel in the situations in which men and women live daily, in different geographical, social and cultural contexts”.

Dialogue with different traditions and disciplines

Theology “must develop in a culture of dialogue and encounter between different traditions and different knowledge, between different Christian confessions and different religions”, the Apostolic Letter states, and it must face itself “openly with all believers and non-believers”. “This is the approach of transdisciplinarity,” notes Francis, which must be thought about—clarifying the Apostolic Constitution. Veritatis Gadium – “putting and fermenting all knowledge in the place of light and life, which is given by the wisdom that emanates from the revelation of God”. For this reason, theology “must use new genres created by other types of knowledge to penetrate and communicate the truths of faith and to transmit Jesus’ teachings with originality and critical awareness in today’s languages.”

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“Pastoral Seal”

There is a contribution that can be made by theology to the current discussion of “rethinking thought”, which shows itself as true critical knowledge in relation to intellectual knowledge”, which “must not be abstract and conceptual, but spiritual”. Francisco emphasizes that, “created on our knees, conceived by adoration and prayer; A transcendent knowledge and, at the same time, attentive to the voice of the people”. This is what the Pope calls a “popular theology”, “addressed with compassion to the open wounds of humanity and creation and within the folds of human history, it foretells the hope of final fulfillment.” In practice, for Francis, theology, Overall, a “pastoral seal” must be taken, therefore, the theological reflection must start “from different contexts and concrete situations” and it must place itself “at the service of the evangelization.”

Dom Stagliano: A new mission involving all of God’s people

This is a new mission, says the president of the Academy of Theology, Dom Antonio Stagliano, “to encourage conflict and dialogue in all fields of knowledge, to reach and involve all the people of God in theological research, so that life can become theological life of the people”.

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