Pope: The world is dying, stop the wars while there’s still time

In a message to the participants of the International Prayer Meeting for Peace organized by the Community of Sant’Egidio, in Paris from September 22 to 24, in the wake of the 1986 event on the Spirit of Assisi desired by John Paul II, Francis calls on leaders and politicians to put down their guns and urge the faithful to foster brotherhood in the world. : “Let religions not fuel conflicts, nationalism, racism and populism, but instead support peaceful visions.”

Tiziana Campisi – Vatican News

Pope Francis sent a message this Tuesday (24/09) to the participants of the International Meeting of Prayer for Peace, promoted by the Romanian Community of Sant’Egidio, from September 22 to 24, in Paris.

“Stop the war! Stop the wars”, writes the Holy Father to the participants of the event, launching an appeal to “political leaders”. “We are destroying the world! Let’s stop while there is still time,” writes the Pope, in a message to representatives of churches and Christian communities and the major world religions, as well as officials attending the meeting, as the meeting resumes. It began 38 years ago, in 1986, with John Paul II in Assisi.

Religions should not incite wars and conflicts

The pontiff hopes that the meeting days in Paris, modeled on the spirit of Assisi, will help the faithful “foster fraternity among people today”. “In the past, religions have been used to incite conflicts and wars. A danger that still exists today”, Francis underlines, reiterating what he co-authored with Grand Imam Ahmad al-Tayeb in a document on human brotherhood for world peace. General Coexistence, “Religions never incite war, never incite feelings of hatred, enmity, extremism, nor call for violence or bloodshed.” “These tragedies are the result of the deviation of religious teachings, the political use of religions and the interpretations of groups of religious men who have abused – at some point in history – the impact of religious sentiment on the hearts of religions.” “Nationalism must not become a tool to incite racism and populism,” says the Pope, “woe to those who try to involve God in wars.”

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Being Craftsmen of Peace

Religions must “promote visions of peace”, as evidenced in recent days in the French capital, where men and women of different cultures and faiths “experienced the strength and beauty of universal brotherhood”, reads Francis’ message, which inspires us. “Craftsmen of peace” because “if many continue to wage war, we can all work for peace”.

Let the spirit of Assisi spread among the people

Thanking the “community of Sant’ Egidio, which continues to revive the soul of Assisi with passion and creativity,” the Pope noted several “events” since 1986, when “the first prayer meeting for peace was held.” “World History” – the fall of the Berlin Wall at the beginning of the third millennium, the rise of fundamentalism and conflict, climate change, emerging and convergent technologies, and the advent of pandemics. Today, we are in the midst of a “time shift” whose prospects we do not yet know.” In the city of San Francisco, highlighting the “intrinsic connection between the true religious spirit and the great good of peace”, “the words of Pope Wojtyła, who inspired a new language of peace in favor of new gestures, are still applicable. Peace”, to break the “deadly chains of divisions inherited from history or created by modern ideologies”. The spirit of Assisi, Bergoglio writes, is “corrupted by too many wars and too much violence” for today’s world. “This ‘spirit’ should blow more strongly into the boat of conversation and friendship among people.”

Build brotherly ties

Thinking of those in Paris tonight, “gathering in front of the cathedral, about to reopen its doors for prayer after the dramatic fire”, Francis emphasizes the “need to pray for peace” because “the danger” of many conflicts, instead of being stopped, will escalate dangerously”, and affirmed. The Pope reiterates the revealed call to the faithful Fratelli Tutti For their invaluable contribution to “building brotherhood and safeguarding justice in society”. “We must meet, build fraternal ties, be guided by the divine inspiration that lives in every faith, and imagine peace together among all peoples,” continues the Pope. Conflicts and Wars”, sees the work of believers as invaluable in “showing visions of peace and promoting brotherhood and peace among the peoples of the whole world”.

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Peace requires wisdom and courage

“The great work of peace” requires “wisdom, courage, generosity and determination,” Francis concludes, recalling that God’s dream for the world is “fraternity among all peoples.” Therefore, the responsibility of encouraging and pushing humanity in this direction is entrusted to the believers.

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