Pope meets Italian released after 33 years in prison

The personal meeting with Francisco took place this Friday, 23/08, in the Library of the Apostolic Palace. Beniamino Junchedu, who was arrested at the age of 26, forgave those who accused him of killing three people and later retracted his accusations.

Vatican news

Pope Francis received Beniamino Zuncheddu, a shepherd from the Italian island of Sardegna, who was acquitted of three murders in 1991 after serving 33 years in prison, this Friday, August 23, in the library of the Apostolic Palace. In January this year.

Junset, who was arrested at the age of 26, is now 60. He has co-authored a book with his lawyer, “I Am Innocent.” He was in three different prisons, sometimes sharing a small cell with eleven people, struggling to even wash and sleep. A dehumanizing experience, she says, but at the time she was able to help people in worse situations than herself. Beniamino found strength to resist, believed in God and thought of his family. The Sardinian pastor forgave those who named him as the author of several murders, then retracted his accusations.

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