Pope Francis Says Homosexuality Is Not a Crime: NPR

Pope Francis attends a Mass for the Epiphany earlier this month in Vatican City.

Christopher Furlong / Getty Images

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Christopher Furlong / Getty Images

Pope Francis attends a Mass for the Epiphany earlier this month in Vatican City.

Christopher Furlong / Getty Images

in his first interview Since the death of former Pope Benedict XVIPope Francis spoke about his health, his critics, and the future of the papacy.

He also criticized laws criminalizing homosexuality as unfair.

Pope Francis Associated Press That is, while Catholic teaching states that homosexual acts are a “sin”, homosexuality is not a “crime”. He stressed the need to distinguish between the two, and said, for example: That lack of love with each other is also a sin. He added that the Catholic Church should work to end laws in some countries that criminalize homosexuality.

Asked about his health, the 86-year-old said, “I am healthy for my age. I am normal.”

A knee disease has forced the Pope to use a wheelchair in recent months.

When asked about the wave of criticism leveled at him from conservative cardinals and bishops after Benedict’s death, Francis admitted the knives were out, but appeared unfazed.

He said it was unpleasant, but better than keeping it under wraps.

This story originally appeared on the NPR newscast.

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