Pope: Christians bear witness to God’s mercy among those who do not believe in the future

In his message to the National Eucharistic Conference in Ansiranana, Madagascar, from August 23 to 25, the Pope hopes that the participants will “help develop feelings of charity and solidarity with all, and especially with themselves. Who are in trouble.” The Pope asks members of the centenary of the “Young Eucharistic Movement” to help others “make their lives an offering to God” who have known, loved and served.

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Tiziana Campici – Vatican News

Be missionaries of Christ’s love: this is the exhortation of Pope Francis to the participants of the National Eucharistic Conference of Madagascar, which will be held in Antisiranana from August 23 to 25. In his message to the president of the synod, Dom Marie Fabian Raharilamboniana, he noted that the gathering “takes the faithful back to the essentials and helps them rediscover the meaning of Eucharistic adoration and the desire to spend some time.” With Christ”, and with the aim of making them grow in a Christian way, takes on a specific meaning during the preparation for the conclusion of the Synodal Conference on Synodality.

“May it help them to rediscover the importance of meeting, praying and consecrating themselves to others, following in the footsteps of Jesus in the Eucharist,” he recalled in his address to the Pontifical Council of Congregations. June 19, 2023 US National Eucharistic Conference, ‘The Eucharist inspires us to steadfast love for our neighbors’.

Centenary of the Young Eucharist Movement

In the year celebrating the centenary of the “Youth Eucharist Movement”, Francis highlighted that today “faith in the real presence of the Lord is a great challenge” and invites followers to “help others to experience Jesus in the Eucharist”. , he can be better known, loved and served,” writes the Pope.

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Cultivate feelings of charity and solidarity with all

Francisco’s wish for the participants of the Eucharistic Congress is that this meeting will help everyone “to develop feelings of charity and solidarity with everyone, especially those who are in trouble and who are on a difficult path of life every day.” “To the dejected many who look forward to the future with doubt and pessimism, as if nothing could bring them joy,” the Pope says, citing his 2025 Jubilee Convention Bull. Specs wasn’t confusedIt is necessary to bear the “faith of the Lord.” “Be witness to his mercy and compassionate love”, concludes the Pope, who finally invokes the intercession of the Virgin, so that each person can “deepen every day” their own relationship with Christ.

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