POPE: Before the Nativity scene, let us reflect on the drama of the Holy Land

“When we think that Jesus, God made man, small, poor and helpless, we cannot help but think of our closeness to our brothers and imams, especially to children and their parents, the drama experienced by the inhabitants of the Holy Land. And our spiritual sustenance”, this year’s holy The Pope said as he received the delegations that presented the tree that decorates Peter’s Square and the nativity scene.

Vatican news

Christmas symbols were the theme of the Pope’s last audience this Saturday morning, December 9.

This year the Pope received delegations from the Paul VI room, the Christmas tree and the Christmas tree that decorated St. Peter’s Square. The swearing-in ceremony will be held today at 5 pm local time.

Hear the full statement with Pope Francis’ voice

The Nativity scene was commissioned by the province of Riti near Rome. The aim is to recreate the atmosphere of Christmas in 1223, exactly 800 years ago when Saint Francis was in the Holy Land region. According to him, the Gracio Caves recalled the landscape of Bethlehem. Thus, the monks and residents of the area created a living nativity scene and a tradition that continues to this day was born.

“So this year, in St. Peter’s Square, we will think of Gracio, which reminds us of Bethlehem. And when we think of Jesus, God made man small, poor, defenseless, we cannot help but think of that drama. Those who live on earth enjoy the sacrament, for our brothers and imams. , especially children and their parents, express our closeness and our spiritual sustenance.They are the ones who pay the price of war.

Recalling what happened in Bethlehem two thousand years ago, the Pope said, the event should awaken in us a longing for silence and prayer in an often frantic life.

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“Silence, Jesus can be heard from that special ‘chair’. A prayer to express the wonder, tenderness, and perhaps tears that the Nativity scene evokes in us. In all this Mary is a model: she says nothing, but thinks and worships.

Defense of the House of Commons

Speaking about the tree next to the Nativity scene, Francisco, from Piedmont in northern Italy, highlighted the decoration with “alpine stars” grown in the plains to protect the growth in the mountains. “This is also a choice that reflects on us, highlighting the importance of taking care of our common home: small gestures are essential in changing the environment, respect and gratitude for God’s gifts.”

The Pope concluded his greeting by thanking the two delegations and the Vatican staff who put up the Christmas tree and the Christmas tree.

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