Pope: Ask the women who generally suffer from lack of recognition

Francis signed the foreword to the recently published volume “Women and Ministries in the Synodal Church” by three women theologians and Cardinals Hollerich and O’Malley, including Anglican Bishop Wells, who attended the February C9 meeting. “The drama of abuse has forced us to open our eyes to the scourges of the clergy. It is not only about ordained ministers, but a corrupt way of exercising power in the Church, into which everyone can fall: lay people and even women”

Vatican news

Women, their role and suffering for recognition of “what they are and what they do”. Later, ordained ministries, synodality, the drama of abuses, the “whipping” of the clergy and the distortion of authority within the Church, by the laity and even by women, opened the eyes.

The preface signed by Pope Francis to the book published by Paulins contains all the important ecclesiastical matters.Women and Ministries in the Synodal Church”, a volume written by two cardinals and three theologians: Salesian Sister Linda Bocher, professor of Christology and Mariology at the Auxilium in Rome (she also signed the introduction); Joe B. Wells, Bishop of the Church of England and Under-Secretary of the Anglican Communion; Giuliva di Berardino, holy member of the Ordo Virginam of the Diocese of Verona, liturgist, teacher and responsible for spiritual studies and spiritual exercises. The two cardinals are Jean-Claude Hollerich, Archbishop of Luxembourg and General Rapporteur of the Synod, and Sean Patrick O’Malley, head of the Pontifical Commission for the Protection of Minors.

Conversation between teachers

A dialogue, in this case virtual, or rather “literary”, however, the fruit of a real dialogue between the authors themselves and the Pope and the Council of Cardinals during the well-known C9 meeting on February 5th. In one of these – for the first time since the Institute of the Body – on the theme of “woman”, the three theologians were invited to participate in order to provide contributions and “provocations”, as Francis defined them. Role in the Church”.

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The issue now deepens in this new publication, dated July 9, which borrows from an earlier book by Sister Linda Bocher and other authors entitled “Demasculinizing the Church,” Francis’ first address to theology in his audience. Commission International.

Ecclesiastical Ministries, an important and delicate topic

In a preface published in full this Thursday (11/07), by L’Osservatore Romano, the Pope bases his reflection on one of the cardinal principles of his Church: “Reality is more important than thought”. It is the same principle – and Francis says he is satisfied with it – that “guides the plan proposed by Sister Bocher to set up a Council of Cardinals on the topic of women in the Church, and on a topic as sensitive as ministries in the ecclesial community”.

A drama of abuse

In the context of the theme that “a certain suffering experienced by ecclesial communities in the way they understand and live the ministry is not a new reality”, the Pope emphasizes that “the drama of abuse has prompted us to open our eyes”. The scourge of the clergy is a corrupt way of exercising power within the Church, not just ordained ministers, but everyone can fall into it: lay people, even women.

“Hearing women’s sufferings and joys is definitely a way to open ourselves to reality,” says Francisco. “When we listen to them impartially and impartially, we realize that in many places and in many situations they suffer precisely because of the lack of recognition of who they are, what they do, what they can do and be if they have space. And the women who are most vulnerable are usually the closest, the most Those who are available and willing to serve God and His Kingdom.

Don’t sacrifice reality on the altar of ideas

Therefore, Pope Francis invites us to look at the reality rather than the idea, to avoid falling into the “trap” into which the Church itself often stumbles in modern times. That is, “considering plausibility to opinions rather than focusing on facts”. “However, reality is always greater than idea, and when our theology falls into the trap of clear and distinct ideas, it inevitably becomes the bed of Procrustes, which sacrifices reality, or part of it, on the altar of idea.” , the Pope highlights. Eligibility of the block “Women and Ministries in the Synodal Church” Therefore, it “starts not from thought, but from listening to reality, from a wise interpretation of women’s experience in the church”.

Women’s theme Instrumental labor

Question of paper Feminine Published a few days ago in the church Instrumental labor Second Session of the XVI General Assembly in October. Actually, we are Basics The basic text for the work of the Synod Fathers and Mothers highlights the “need to give full recognition” to their charisms and vocations. The text says that women, “through baptism, are in a state of full equality, receiving the gifts of the same Spirit and called to the service of the work of Christ.” Therefore, the “attitude” must be “changed from a vision of public work to a vision of interdependence and reciprocity between women and men who are sisters and brothers in Christ”.

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Regarding the issue of the female diaconate, Cardinal General of the Synod Mario Grech presented at the press conference. Tool, recalled that it will not be discussed at the next assembly, as it is the subject of one of the study groups created by the Pope to deepen theological and pastoral reflection on specific issues. Francis entrusted the theme of the women’s diaconate to the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith, together with the General Secretariat of the Synod, in the wider context of ministerial formations. This work, which announced the document on study groups published in March, “aims to respond to the wish of the Synodal Assembly for a greater recognition and appreciation of the contribution of women and to increase the pastoral responsibilities entrusted to them in all spheres. Life and work of the Church”.

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