PlayStation Boss promises to plan more acquisitions

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Photo: Push Square

In a rare podcast lookPlayStation chief Jim Ryan has promised to plan more acquisitions. This follows Heavy rumors Earlier in the week, industry critics Greg Miller and Jeff Grob hinted at a “really big” buyout. since then Microsoft bought Bethesda two years agoHowever, companies have been racing to lure studios for their empires, which has put Sony developers like Bungie, Housemarque, and more on hold.

he told PlayStation Blog Post. “We acquired five studios during 2021. We are in discussions with Bungie. And we have more planning.” The latest developments, PlayStation bought Canadian developer Haven Studiosalthough it has already signed a publishing agreement with the Jade Raymond team.

So who’s next then? Who do you know? Despite the gossip about a “really big” acquisition, it’s worth noting that people familiar with business deals like this would be legally obligated to keep their mouths shut. As such, you probably shouldn’t believe anything you read on social media. From what Jim says here, we’ll definitely learn more once the ink dries up.

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