Parents of Michigan school shooter sentenced to 10 to 15 years in prison | America

The parents of Ethan Crumble, the teenager who killed four people in a school shooting in the US state of Michigan, were sentenced to 10 to 15 years in prison for involuntary manslaughter. In the case of both Jennifer and James Crumble, the jury found that they both did not do enough to prevent the November 30, 2021, shooting of 11 people with the gun they gave their son when he was 15. His parents a few days ago.

Both are eligible for parole after ten years in prison, but otherwise they cannot serve more than 15 years in prison. Jennifer and James have been detained for two years, tried separately — she in February and he in March — and become, in effect, the first parents convicted of mass shootings carried out by their children. At a hearing this Tuesday, they learned of the sentences sought by prosecutors in memos presented to the court last week: a minimum of 10 years in prison, with a possible sentence of up to 15 years.

Both parents were able to testify in court before facing this sentence. Jennifer Crumbley, 46, said she didn't want to apologize to the families of her son Ethan's shooting victims, but instead offered “a very sincere apology for the pain it caused.” James Crumbley, 47, said he “can't express how much I wish he had” with his son “what was going on or what was going to happen,” adding: “I certainly would have done a lot of things differently. .”

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Jennifer and James gave the gun to their son Ethan four days before the shooting after buying it for sale. sexta-feira Negra An early Christmas present. The boy took a gun to Oxford High School on November 30, 2021, killing four students (Hannah St. Juliana, 14; Tate Myer, 16; Madisyn Baldwin, 17; and Justin Schilling, 17), and wounding seven others. People. Charged as an adult, Ethan pleaded guilty to 24 charges, including one count of terrorism. He was sentenced to life without parole in December.

On the day of the attack, still in the morning, the couple were called to the school and advised to find psychological support for their son within 48 hours. Ethan I drew a handgun on a school project and wrote phrases like “blood everywhere”; “My life is worthless”; “Thoughts won't stop, help me” – a series of warning signs suggesting that the boy has suicidal thoughts or a tendency to harm others. days ago, Ethan He had already sought out his parents and told them to take him to a doctor as he was mentally unwell.

Cheryl Matthews, a judge at Oakland County Circuit Court in Pontiac, Michigan, explained before sentencing: “Parents are not expected to be fortune tellers. But these beliefs are not about bad parenting. These beliefs confirm repeated actions. Actions or lack of actions to stop an oncoming train, Repeatedly ignoring things that would frighten a prudent person.”

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