Ottawa prepares to protest on Canada Day organized by “Freedom Caravan” supporters | Canada

Residents of downtown Ottawa are preparing for Canada Day unlike any other, after “Freedom Caravan” protesters vowed to return to Parliament House on July 1, maintaining a presence During the rest of the summer.

All Canada Today, people gather at Parliament House in Ottawa to watch music shows and fireworks in memory of the Canadian Federation. This year, it will likely be difficult for police to distinguish between revelers and members of the caravan – which is what the protesters are counting on.

In late January, opposition groups for vaccine and mask mandates drove tractors and other large vehicles into the heart of downtown Ottawa and set up camp. Ariel Troster, a city council candidate in Ottawa’s Somerset ward, said the three-week occupation of the capital was a traumatic experience for many locals, who faced harassment, constant noise and other unwelcome encounters.

“Many people have been driven from their homes, many have been harassed, and there have been at least two instances where people defecate on people’s front steps. There have been reports of apartment buildings where the men of the caravan took over the laundry room and did not leave,” Troster said. About the symbols of hate that were visible not only in the hill but in the neighborhoods.”

Group communications on Telegram, YouTube videos, and other channels show that caravan sympathizers believe in them White substitution theory and other conspiracies. Qunun and Anun activists were often seen in the Winter Occupation.

It eventually cost the city $36 million in police costs and resulted in a proposal class action against the protest organizers.

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Now that Canada has dropped most of the states, it appears that convoys are calling for Justin Trudeau to resign as prime minister. They have been gaining traction with conservative politicians, Recently after having a meeting With their “allies” in Parliament.

The Ottawa Police Service (OPS) has vowed to thwart any new attempt to occupy the city. The force is under tremendous pressure to celebrate Canada Day right after Many failures to monitor the previous occupation.

in Police Services Council meeting On Monday, the head of temporary operations, Steve Bell, said a heavy police presence and roadblocks that limit the number of vehicles allowed in the city center may not be able to keep convoys arriving on foot, but it will prevent people from setting up camp.

“Canada Day is a very important day for Canadians. It’s a day when we celebrate our country and all the good things in it. But people, when they come, have to be legitimate. They have to be respectful of our community,” Bell said.

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