Online Nintendo Switch game coupons may return to North America

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Nintendo switch game coupons
Image: Nintendo

Nintendo’s Switch game voucher promotion to online subscribers may be returning to North America with the looks of it. to me Multiple reportsNintendo’s official YouTube channel Briefly share a video About a coupon promotion for a new Switch game to online members. Here’s an archived copy submitted by a Twitter user teebeeYT:

As can be seen in the video above, you can get any two premium games for the price of $99.98 USD. You can watch games like Splatoon 3And Bayonetta 3And Bayonetta OriginsAnd Pokémon Violet and Crimson And a number of previous Switch releases such as Mario Kart 8 Deluxe And The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild.

This promotion is still available in certain other regions around the world and ended in North America in July 2019. If we hear any updates or developments, we will let you know.


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