NATO warns that the Kosovo Force is “alert and ready to intervene”.

“NATO’s KFOR remains alert and ready to intervene if stability is threatened,” he warned in a message posted on Twitter.

The former Romanian foreign minister also said he spoke with Miroslav Lajcac, the European Union (EU) special representative for the Serbia-Kosovo dialogue, “about the tense situation in northern Kosovo.”

“Both Belgrade and Pristina should show restraint and avoid escalation [das tensões]”, Giona warned.

Today, a rally took place in Mitrovica, the most important city in Serb-majority northern Kosovo, with placards reading phrases such as “We have one country, Serbia” or “No more terrorism,” referring to Kosovar Prime Minister Albin Kurdi, according to Europa Press.

On Saturday, Kosovar Serbs resigned from their MPs, mayors and civil servants of all kinds in a concerted protest against the imposition of Kosovar registrations on Serb-owned vehicles in northern Kosovo.

Kosovo Serbs, in the country’s four Serb-majority municipalities, feel that Kosovar authorities have violated agreements signed with Serbia and the European Union.

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