NATO leaders express concern over alliance between Russia and China – News

“The deepening strategic partnership between Russia and China, as well as their concerted efforts to disrupt and reshape the rules-based international order, raises deep concerns,” the final report of the North Atlantic Council, the Atlantic alliance’s highest political body, said.

NATO leaders condemn Russia’s invasion of Ukraine as “destroying peace and stability in the Euro-Atlantic region” and argue that Russia continues to pose “the greatest and most direct threat to the security of Allies”.

Today, NATO’s secretary-general said Ukraine’s accession to the Atlantic alliance was “not a question of when,” stressing that allies agreed the path was “irreversible.”

At a press conference at the end of the first day of work at the NATO summit in Washington until Thursday, Jens Stoltenberg justified the allies’ commitment to support Ukraine with no less than 40 billion euros a year.

“We are not doing this to prolong the war, but to end it as quickly as possible”, he argued.

And he added: “Unless we want Ukraine to lose, unless we want to bow down [o Presidente russo, Vladimir] Putin, we must show commitment.

“At our meeting, we also decided to take additional steps to bring Ukraine closer to NATO,” he said, speaking of the country’s “irreversible path toward integration” into the Atlantic alliance.

According to the Secretary General of NATO, it is necessary to ensure that Ukraine joins the organization “without delay” “at the right time”.

“It’s not a question of if but when”, he stressed.

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