Monkey: Israel and Switzerland file lawsuits and Spain approves anti-epidemic rules

In the United States, New York authorities announced that a New York resident had tested positive for the monkey box virus, was isolated at home and was awaiting a second confirmation from the Centers for Disease Control.

The New York lawsuit came after Massachusetts health officials first confirmed monkey flu on May 18.

US President Joe Biden spoke on the subject for the first time on the sidelines of his Asian tour today, announcing that the impact of the spread of bigotry would be “significant”.

Biden said he had not yet been fully informed by U.S. health officials about the US “exposure level” to the virus, but considered “this is something everyone should be concerned about” because “if it spreads, the impact would be substantial.”

Israeli officials say they have detected the first case of measles in a man returning from a Western European country and are investigating other suspected cases.

The Israeli health ministry said the man was admitted Saturday to a hospital in Tel Aviv with mild symptoms, and urged anyone returning from abroad with the flu and skin lesions to seek medical help.

He said the first case of measles in Switzerland was diagnosed in a man and that the victim was being isolated at home following an outpatient clinic.

The man lives in the province of Bern, but has been infected with the virus abroad, the Bern provincial health directorate said on Friday, which released suspicions and laboratory tests confirmed the suspicion on Saturday afternoon.

Contact officials said in a statement that contact tracking had been carried out to identify potential transmission chains and all contacts had been notified.

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In Spain, the Ministry of Health and the community agreed on Saturday on the protocol to be followed for monkeypox victims (Monkeypox) victims.

In Spain there are already at least 30 cases confirmed by PCR testing, all connected with the sauna in the Madrid community and in the city, which has since been closed, while suspicious cases are on the rise across the country centered in the capital. , Madrid, where there are 15 to 39 suspicious cases.

Apart from the Madrid community, six other Spanish regions are monitoring potential cases.

The World Health Organization has confirmed that about 80 cases and about 50 suspected cases worldwide are affected by monkey flu.

The disease has been diagnosed in at least 12 countries in the last ten days, including Portugal (23 cases according to the Directorate General of Health), Spain, France, Germany, Great Britain, the United States, Sweden and now Israel and Switzerland.

Smallpox is a rare disease whose pathogen is transmitted from animals to humans and vice versa.

Its symptoms are small, similar to those seen in the past in adults: fever, headache, muscle aches, back pain, in the first five days. Then psoriasis, ulcers, blisters and finally crust.

There is no cure for gonorrhea, which usually heals on its own and its symptoms last for 14 to 21 days.

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