Michael Che pranks Colin Jost on Saturday Night Live’s April Fool’s Day Weekend Update

(CNN) Nobody is ever safe April Fooland this year included hapless Weekend Update anchor Colin Jost.

the “Saturday Night LiveThe cast member was doing his regular segment on Weekend Update with co-anchor Michael Che this weekend, on the episode he hosted. Quinta BronsonAnd from the top of that part, Ghost’s laughter seemed to be much less than Chi’s.

About a third of the way through, while the couple was still making jokes about the Trump indictmentApparently, Jost fell during a joke on his account about the ex-president’s supporters.

Amid half-hearted laughter, someone in the audience exclaimed, “You stink!” It seemed that Ghost finally realized what was going on.

Che then confirmed it, telling his fellow presenter, “I told them not to laugh at you for your April Fools’ Day.”

At this point, Ghost had completely lost it, and laid his head on the table with a laugh.

I was really like, ‘Am I not a microphone?!’ exclaimed Jost. And then I was like, ‘Oh, I’m just being sassy.'”

The couple tried to go through with the clip, but it was a struggle at first. Ghost said to Chi, “You’re evil!” Amid Che’s next joke, when the camera pans back to Jost, he’s barely holding it together.

Before launching into another joke, Jost says in fits of laughter, “That’s the saddest thing you’ve ever done to me!”

He then interrupts himself twice, letting everyone know that he is “covered in sweat” and “shivering”.

The rest of Weekend Update went off without a hitch, including a conversation with Michelangelo’s David (played by Michael Longfellow) after recent controversy include the bust.

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The “SNL” episode was Bronson’s hosting debut, and the highlight included a satirical Netflix documentary about aggression. bridesmaids and bridezillas, along with a hilarious skit at a Traffic Jam vs. Mickey Day.

Lil Yakhty was the musical guest this weekend. Saturday Night Live returns with a new episode next week with host Molly Shannon and musical guest Jonas Brothers.

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