Mexico City sets world record after attending 14,299 group boxing sessions

Fifteen current and former Mexican fighters gathered together to teach the biggest boxing class ever at the Zocalo, Mexico City’s main square, on Saturday.

Eric “El Terrechel” Morales, Andy Ruiz Jr., Oscar Valdez, Jackie Nava, Humberto “Chiqueta” Gonzalez, Miguel Berchelt, Jose “Pepino” Cuevas, Alfonso Zamora, Jose Luis Bueno, Antonio “Jaguar” Aguirre, Janejan Jose Lopez, Adrian “Confesor” Hernandez, Mariana Juarez, Ana Maria Torres and Alain David Picasso were coaches in the mega boxing class organized by the Indeporte Sports Institute (Indeporte) in Mexico City.

The event broke the Guinness World Record for the largest boxing category in the world, with 14,299 participants. The previous record was held by Moscow, Russia, where it held a mega boxing class with 3,250 participants in Red Square.

Participants wore T-shirts with the colors of the Mexican flag to cover the entire square in green, white and red.

Javier Hidalgo Ponce, director of Indeporte, introduced the shirts just two weeks ago.

“It’s going to be a great multi-colored party because together we will form the Mexican flag with these beautiful shirts that every one of the mega-boxing class will have,” Hidalgo said on June 3.

The class lasted for 30 minutes, with only two 20-second breaks.

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