Masks are not mandatory in Spain after Easter

Health Minister Carolina Tarias has announced to the Interior Council of the National Institutes of Health (CISNS) that the Council of Ministers of Spain will approve the removal of the masks on April 20.

However, the mask will be mandatory for public transport, health centers and hospitals, workers and visitors.

In the case of those with Covit-19 symptoms, they should continue to use the mask for personal and public safety.

The use of masks in Spain has been imposed on citizens since May 2020, as a last resort to normalize the presence of the corona virus, since last week, those who tested positive for Covit-19 and had mild symptoms did not need it. Should be tested or isolated.

“It’s a necessary step. We said it would be at an essential moment when the epidemic situation demands it,” Carolina Darias said in an interview. Country.

However, Juan Manuel Moreno Bonilla, chairman of the Andalusian Council, has been in favor of wearing the mask for at least another month and a half.

The head of the Andalusian Council shows his disagreement that “this is a short period of time” and “should not run too far” from the new values ​​of the epidemic.

In Spain, the overall incidence of the general population is no longer measured because the trials are limited to persons over 60 years of age and vulnerable.

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