Marques Mendes: Israel’s campaign against Guterres “exaggerated” and “ignorant”

With the conflict between Israel and Hamas at the center of international concerns, Luis Marquez Mendes spoke of an “increasingly difficult situation” with the war entering a second phase that precedes a ground invasion. Before talking about the most recent developments, the SIC commentator discussed this Sunday, in a regular comment, the speech of the Secretary-General of the United Nations, which provoked the anger of Israeli politicians – calling for the resignation of Antonio Guterres.

“Nothing justifies this completely exaggerated and disproportionate campaign by Israel against Guterres”, said in an opinion piece in “Jornal da Noite”. At the same time, Marquez Mendes considered the UN Secretary-General’s “controversial phrase” (“Hamas’ abuses did not come out of nowhere”). “not happy”. “Even if it is wrong, it may give an idea that it legitimizes this act of terrorism. If he goes back, Antonio Guterres will do it all over again, but he will delete this sentence”.

Even so, Marquez Mendes accused Israel of “exaggerated” “propaganda” and “unacceptable arrogance and fundamentalism” against Antonio Guterres. “It is clear from a thorough reading of this text that Antonio Guterres has not only not delegitimized Hamas, but has vehemently condemned its actions.”He protected.

The State Councilor did not question Israel’s “right to retaliate” but considered the Israeli government’s attitude “unacceptable.” The years of Benjamin Netanyahu’s rule, said Marquez Mendes, cultivated “Negative method” And this Israeli elite “above all else and above international law”. Following António Guterres’ statements, the Israeli ambassador not only demanded his resignation, but, this Sunday, appealed to countries to stop funding the UN.

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Márquez Mendes left a negative note about the fragmentation of the European Union (EU) as evidenced by the referendum on the humanitarian ceasefire. “Everyone went their separate ways. The EU is increasingly a political dwarf. He praised Joe Biden for trying to moderate the conflict. “It’s an exemplary approach,” he said.

Pizarro’s departure was an “exaggeration” despite the health crisis, the budget “at the center” and Marcelo’s “benign” veto on the TAP.

Looking domestically, Marquez Mendes reaffirmed An agreement will be reached between the government and the doctors in the next few days. This understanding would be “politically good for everyone”, would bring “peace of mind” to the health sector, would be “fair” to doctors, and would be “successful” to socialist management.

Minister Manuel Pizarro has faced a lot of criticism, given the repeated failures in contracts between the Ministry of Health and sectorial experts. however, Antonio Costa’s exit as manager is “exaggeration”, assumed to be Marquez Mendes. The SIC commentator recalled that the health minister had “huge political weight” with the prime minister and argued that he would leave the government to become a candidate for the Porto city council in the 2025 municipal elections.

Márquez Mendez said about the state budget (OE), which will be debated this Monday. The document is “centered”, which makes life difficult on the right. While parties to the left of the PS can criticize the maintenance of a budget surplus, the right has lost its flag of fiscal relief. One of the topics on the table during the budget debates is the presidential candidate’s pledge. Action to increase Single Cycle Tax (IUC). For cars registered before 2007. As the petition against the tax hike has nearly 400,000 signatures, the government should change the special nature, he said.

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In addition, there are four other issues to be used by the opposition: enabling public investment, health outcomes, immigration of young talent and the housing crisis.

Diego Miranda

Another news that gained prominence over the weekend was Marcelo Rebelo de Souza’s veto of the government’s diploma on the privatization of TAP. Marquez Mendes said a “benign” veto would not prevent the sale of the plane, but would have to take place “transparently” and “without doubt”.. The Councilor of State left two recommendations to the Government to address the President’s concerns: a “Control and Inspection Mechanism” From TAP sales and A “Sample of official records of all communications” There are no future “doubts of bias” during the privatization process.

Shortly after the announcement of the president’s veto, Antonio Costa guaranteed that the questions raised by Marcelo would be “properly considered”. With relations between Belem and São Bento still shaky, it remains to be seen how the socialist administration will take the head of state’s words into account and whether it will incorporate any of the social democratic commentator’s proposals.

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