“Manipulating”, “exploiting”, “stealing”: Chung and Biden strengthen ties against China and Russia

“When the United States of America and the United Kingdom come together, the world is a better, safer and more prosperous place. That is why this is an inevitable alliance,” he said. This is how British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak concluded his opening speech at a joint press conference with US President Joe Biden at the White House in Washington this Thursday, June 8.

Pledges of union and shared prosperity were made there because only then, the two political leaders argue, will they have the ability to fight the “theft” and “exploitation” they attribute to the actions of China and Russia.

Remember “D-Day”.

Coincidentally, “D-Day” commemorated by Biden, June 6, marked the 79th anniversary of the Normandy landings, which is considered the beginning of the liberation of the European continent from the control of Nazi Germany by the Allies. “A reminder,” the US president said, of the values ​​both countries want to protect and the world should share with them.

That’s why they announced a so-called “Atlantic Declaration” of alliances, ranging from technical and military cooperation, almost 16 months after Russia carried out what Biden described as a “brutal aggression” against Ukraine. Support for Ukraine was the theme of the meeting, but the alliance was the highlight.

The “new program” of the partnership, according to Biden, will “accelerate the energy transition”, “lead the development of emerging technologies that will shape the future”, “protect critical technologies for security”. The United States and the United Kingdom want to control the production chains of their products, such as essential metals for the energy transition, so that they are not “dependent on any country to achieve the goals” as China is. Therefore, bilateral exceptions are being made on the economy and security so that the UK is not penalized by excessive US protectionism.

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To prevent “theft”.

Both countries, separated by the Atlantic, “want to do more to prevent technologies invented and developed in other countries from being used for military and informational purposes by countries that do not share their values,” Biden said. Reference to values ​​was repeated by both, arguing that they should be used in the development of technologies such as artificial intelligence.

“Countries like China and Russia are willing to manipulate our transparency, exploit us, steal our intellectual property, and use our technologies for authoritarian purposes. They will not succeed,” shot the British prime minister (the US president mistakenly called him the president and later promoted him). recognizes as a joke).

Russia and China are the targets of this power that the United States and the United Kingdom want to conquer, but the press conference at the White House did not mention that they were the only enemies: climate change. Washington is experiencing poor air quality due to the effects of the wildfires in Canada, and coincidentally, Joe Biden began to speak, sending aid and precautions to the neighboring country air in the United States. Sunak, on the other hand, began his speech by lamenting that an attack in France had injured a British child, he said.

Meanwhile, in the face of a journalist’s question to protect the LGBT+ community, the US president stood his ground, telling the journalist to give him the phone number of a family who was thinking of leaving the country to protect his transgender family.

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