Lukashenko surprises Putin with voucher for tractor as birthday present – Spectator

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Russian leader Vladimir Putin received at least one unusual gift Your 70th Birthday: Voucher for new tractor. As stated therein Associated Press, The prize was presented by Alexander Lukashenko, president of Belarus and an ally of Putin.

Although unusual, the present is, at the same time, reminiscent of the time of the Soviet Union. Once upon a time, the tractor industry was considered a point of pride during the Soviet era.

Vladimir Putin turns 70 this Friday. What would a Russian president’s birthday look like at war?

Putin turns 70 on Friday. To commemorate the anniversary, the heads of state of some of the former Soviet Union gather in St. Petersburg at the Constantine Palace.

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The gift was also confirmed by Lukashenko. Whether Putin likes the gift or not is still unclear. Voucher for this tractor is a company that manufactures “over the range” tractors of the Minsk Tractor Works brand.

This is not the only unusual gift for Putin. Accordingly With the BBC, The President of Tajikistan presented Putin with two pyramids of melons.

The blast set fire to the bridge between Crimea and Russia

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