Lithuanian siege: Peskov talks about the violation and says the situation is “very serious”

On Monday, Russia formalized a protest against Lithuania’s partial siege of cargo to Russia’s Kaliningrad region and demanded the immediate removal of the Vilnius embassy in Moscow.

Lithuanian authorities have, until Saturday, imposed a ban Rail transport to Kaliningrad via its border within the framework of EU sanctions on Russia For occupying Ukraine.

Kremlin (Presidency) spokesman Dmitry PeskovHe said that Lithuania warned that the decision was illegal and that Moscow was considering a response.

“It simply came to our notice then Total violation. We understand that this is linked to the EU’s relevant decision to extend traffic restrictions [de mercadorias). Consideramos isto ilegal”, disse Peskov.

O governador de Kaliningrado, Anton Alikhanov, disse que a medida afeta 40% a 50% do total das importações do território.

Alikhanov admitiu que as autoridades lituanas informaram o Serviço Ferroviário de Kaliningrado da sua decisão, que entrou oficialmente em vigor à meia-noite de sábado.

Portugal mantém 146 fuzileiros na Lituânia integrados numa força da NATO para garantir segurança às populações face a uma potencial agressão.


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