Joao Gomez Gravinho. “Ukraine’s victory is a victory for international law”

“We don’t see the conditions for a quick peace,” lamented the minister, admitting that “all wars will end one day.”

Reiterating an idea expressed by NATO representatives, Cravinho underlined that peace would be immediate if Russia withdrew its forces. “The president doesn’t seem to be in Putin’s plans,” he added.

In order to “move forward”, it is necessary for the Russian president to realize that “he is not going to win this war”. “It’s a win-win battle.”

“At stake today, beyond territory and beyond borders, is the international order itself, it is the annex of international law, the Charter of the United Nations”, recalled a high official of Portuguese diplomacy. “Ukraine’s victory in this war will be a victory for international law.”

On China’s peace plan proposals this week, “At this time,” Cravinho underlined, Beijing’s credibility was “just a few days before the war when it accepted an unlimited partnership with Russia.”

“But it is worth looking at what China is proposing, and it has positive aspects such as the link to territorial integrity, the United Nations Charter, humanitarian law, prisoner exchange and nuclear security,” he added.

João Gomes Cravinho points out other aspects of the “we cannot forgive” proposal, such as the “false equation between the two sides” and “the rhetoric of talking about the crisis in Ukraine when we talk about one’s invasion.” another country”.

A more positive factor for the Portuguese minister is China’s “final” willingness to “enter the field of promoting peace”.

Regarding the effectiveness of the sanctions applied to Russia, João Gomes Cravinho identifies their purpose as “weakening the Russian ability to wage war and in that sense, yes, it has an impact”, despite the means by which he violates the sanctions.

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“Today, Russian car production is 30 percent of what it was a year ago,” he noted as an example, recalling difficulties in accessing advanced components “along with other potential applications.”

He said the sanctions would have a lasting impact on the industrial and economic potential of the Russian Federation “for many years to come”.

Portugal’s support for Ukraine should continue. “We naturally have to calibrate our possibilities and the best means to support Ukraine,” Gómez Cravinho guaranteed.

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