It is very cold here. Find out how to protect your pet from freezing temperatures – Executive Digest

In recent weeks, thermometers have been dropping, reaching negative temperatures in parts of the country's northern and coastal interior, and there have been calls for people to take action to protect themselves from the cold.

But 'four-legged friends' need special care at this time of year, especially for dogs, cats, reptiles, birds or rodents who don't have the ability to wear layers of clothing or take off a blanket. Wardrobe..

Veterinary experts offer advice for every pet on the blog of the Kivoko pet product site.

These animals are sensitive to cold and may need to adjust their diet. In winter, dogs need more calories to maintain their body temperature in cold weather. Therefore, it is important to invest in a quality diet rich in Omega 3 fatty acids, which will benefit the skin of these 'big dogs' when the thermometers drop.

Whether sleeping indoors or outdoors, it is important to ensure a warm and comfortable place for the animal. To maintain temperature, the kennel should be elevated or have some protection between the bottom and the floor. If you sleep indoors, a warm, soft bed and blanket are sufficient. When going out, coats, sweaters and raincoats for dogs will help your pet walk better.

As far as cats are concerned, guarantee them a rich, balanced and adequate diet all year round, but in winter, opt for more dry food or wet food to guarantee energy to maintain body temperature and better hydration.

If you walk through the garden or yard, make sure your cat has areas protected from rain, cold and wind, and inside, use warm beds, blankets and blankets.

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A sweater can help, and if your cat likes to go outside, make sure her paws are dry when you enter the house so she doesn't catch a cold. Toys are a good idea to increase activity in cats and increase their body temperature.

In winter you should provide these animals with hay and different types of fresh food such as fruits, vegetables or seeds. Protect areas where rabbits, mice or hamsters are kept from drafts and sudden changes in temperature.

Give him shelter with a closed bed. Toys help keep animals moving and warm, but you can also use heating blankets or cloth-covered hot water bottles to warm the rodent's habitat.

As the cold season requires more energy, you may want to slightly increase the amount of food you feed your birds.

Protect cages from drafts and sudden temperature changes and cold windows. Make sure the available water does not freeze and clean the cage frequently.

Provide nests or perches and toys that allow birds to exercise and increase body temperature.

You need to pay special attention to these animals, because some species reduce their activity in winter and need less food (like sleeping turtles).

Maintain the temperature of the landfills and ensure a constant heat source. Also, ensure that the water temperature is at an optimal temperature for aquatic reptiles.

Securing shelter also helps at this time.

These animals reduce their activity in winter, so feed less to avoid overeating.

Sudden changes in temperature create stress for the fish, so you should avoid keeping the aquarium in rooms with drafts. Pay special attention to fish filters and water heaters.

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