Is Fast Metabolism Diet Effective and Safe? Are there any risks?

Popular on social networks and blogs about weight loss, the fast metabolism diet was created in 2013 in the United States by nutritionist Haley Pomroy. It is a restrictive diet, three sentences that, according to its creator, must be followed for 28 days, during which weight loss of up to 10 kg is allowed.

What this diet recommends is that eating certain foods on certain days and times of the day accelerates metabolism, resulting in weight loss. Recommended to do Physical exercise training Two to three times a week.

Additionally, there is a list Forbidden foods, foods containing sugar, soy, soft drinks, caffeine, alcohol, gluten or lactose. But is the fast metabolism diet safe and effective? What are the potential risks? Speaking to Viral, a nutritionist and coordinator of the Nutrition Science Degree CESPUInês Padua clears up these and other doubts about this restrictive diet.

Does this food speed up the metabolism?

Indeed, “our ‘velocity’ Metabolism May depend on our lifestyle, ie ours Food And this Physical exercise training (as factors affecting our body composition)”, begins by contextualizing Inês Padua.

Therefore, the expert points out, “Physical activity and food optimal for this body system (related to energy expenditure)” always “Effect on increasing metabolism“.

As for this diet, which appeared in the United States in 2013, there is no evidence that it is actually effective in speeding up the metabolism.

In general, this diet is all about “doing.” Five meals“; “physical activity training”, “drinking enough water”, “restricted foods such as sugar, processed meats, fruit juices, alcohol”, “a restriction CarbohydratesBut its intake through fruits and vegetables and whole grains” and “more flexibility on the weekend”, says the expert.

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According to Inês Padua these properties can be effective Allow weight loss. However, it is assured that it offers a “healthy eating plan without any fancy name”.

In addition, the nutritionist raises two questions regarding the assumptions of the fast metabolism diet. The first is thatNot in five days A change or modeling of the diet occurs every two days Metabolism“. Here, “may be due to weight loss Calorie restriction And not metabolic changes”, emphasizes the nutritionist.

Then, it is important to note that “if we supply our body with less energy (or calories) than it needs for its vital functions, the body’s response is to automatically reduce our energy expenditure – in the sense of conservation.”

For this reasonRestrictive diets Not always good ideas if we want to increase metabolism”, he emphasizes.

Does this diet allow you to lose 10 kg in 28 days?

“The first problem is precisely the guarantee of 10 kg in a month”, warns Inês Padua. From the expert’s point of view, this “makes no sense” because “various Personal characteristics and can control the amount of lifestyle Weight loss“.

On the other hand, the implication of aA lot of weight loss in a short period of time“. As the expert clarifies, this goal does not allow “the formation of dietary habits and a healthy lifestyle – and, most importantly, integration.”

This means that the Fast Metabolism Diet is “viewed as a ‘treatment’ or A temporary one For a serious weight loss, an effective change must be made”, he defends.

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Being a restrictive diet valid for a month, there is a probability of that Weight back When you go back to previous diets.

“That person, because they don’t incorporate certain habits into their routine during those 28 days, is likely to revert to previous habits and gain weight again,” he maintains.

The problem of forbidden foods

On the front, Inês Padua points out, “The configuration of eating days completely restricts certain macronutrients on certain days of the week – protein and fat in phase 1 and carbohydrates and fat in phase 2 – May not be stable to the individual”.

At another level, the nutritionist also highlights this issue Forbidden foods In this restrictive diet. From Inês Padua’s point of view, it is not possible to completely eliminate “foods that can be fully formed as part of a healthy diet (such as dairy products, soy and corn), if the person does not show any symptoms related to consumption”.

In fact, he adds, “The Banned feedback can actually be harmful“. This does not mean that “food should not be critically evaluated”, “must be reserved for some specific time” and “consumption should be considered”.

However, for Inês Padua, carrying out this administration “is different from putting a restrictive label on food. Compulsive and inhibiting behaviors Perhaps, if there is a moment of fulfillment of this ‘forbidden’ consumption”.

How important is expert weight loss advice?

“A diet plan should be taken into account,” recalls the nutritionist Different characteristics of the person” and this type of “standardized diets that we see constantly circulating on social networks” does not happen.

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There are even medical conditions that prevent you from following a fast metabolism diet. The nutritionist gives the example of those with diabetes. This “most widespread pathology”, “this food Neither acceptable nor safe“.

Therefore, he asserts, TheAdvice Consultation with a nutritionist is essential to tailor a weight loss or maintenance plan to the individual’s characteristics.

“We are talking about characteristics not only in terms of health status/illness (including mental health), but also routine and tasks and socioeconomic issues,” he adds.

Because, as the nutritionist points out, “food contains (and should contain) Dimensions beyond physiological complications“. Therefore, he concludes, “all these points must be evaluated and taken into account if we want something sustainable over time.”

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