How to go to the Moon Dimension in the Minecraft April Fools update

Snapshots are one of the most anticipated updates in Minecraft because it comes with features that reveal what the next major update is all about. However, the versions released for April Fools’ Day are a little different. It comes with some of the most unusual features ever announced that won’t be added to the game, and this year’s shot came with the dimensions of the moon.

The latest April Fools’ Day snapshot, v23w13a_or_b, is titled Voting Update as it allows players to decide which features to implement. Random proposals will appear in the chat window, and they can respond through the voting screen by pressing “V” on their keyboards. If they vote for a particular feature, it will soon be implemented in this Minecraft world.

Minecraft April Fools screenshot: What is the moon dimension and steps to get it

Dimensions make the world more diverse because it allows you to explore places that are unlike anything in the real world in the Overworld. The game only has three, but this shot adds one more.

Day and night cycles happen in Minecraft, and during the night, players can go to the moon and explore a new dimension. This creation will look very similar to the end as the endless earth is monotonous and made up of a single block.

Earth as seen from the Moon with shadows (Image via Mojang)

Another reason After the moon is like the end So much is that the natural satellite consists of blocks of cheese that look like end stones.

How to get to the moon in Minecraft

Access to the Moon dimension requires voting on three specific proposals. But since new items appear randomly and independently, it can take a long time to get acquainted with those that enable players to get to the moon.

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1) The fun way

Ride a balloon cow to the moon (Image via Mojang)

Fortunately, there is a way to get to the moon in a few minutes. Here are the detailed steps to access it in creative mode:

Step 1: Agree to airblocks with this command: “/voice rule minecraft: air_blocks approve”

Step 2: Get a lot of air masses using “/ bid player name Minecraft: command air_block 64 inches.

Step 3: Find a cow or summon one using the command “summon minecraft: cow” /.

The fourth step: Stuff air blocks into the cow by right-clicking on it. This will make it a logical cow, and once it doesn’t get any bigger, right-clicking on it will allow you to ride it.

The balloon cow will start floating upwards and will explode after it reaches about 700 Y. And then, after a few seconds, you will descend to the moon.

2) The easiest way

You can air a cow to level Y 700 and reach the moon or you can simply type the teleport command into the chat window. The command to do this is “/execute as s in minecraft: the_moon run tps ~~~”

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