Holy Trinity – Vatican News

He is an eternal wonder. Our God is not the God of the philosophers, but He is the Father of Jesus Christ, He is the Christ, He is the Spirit of love.

Father Cesar Augusto, SJ – Vatican News

Today, we celebrate God in a special way. But who is God? How to explain it? How to define it? How to meet him?

We humans cannot answer any question about God. God overcomes us!

We know who He is, but we cannot define Him. That is impossible! He is an eternal wonder. Our God is not the God of the philosophers, but He is the Father of Jesus Christ, He is the Christ, He is the Spirit of love.

To know that, we must open the Holy Scriptures, especially the New Testament, and see what Jesus, the incarnate Word, tells us.

Today’s Gospel from St. John tells us that God is man’s friend, not only his creator, but also his redeemer, his protector, and the one who can suffer and die so that man can attain full happiness.

Sao Paulo, in his letter to the Corinthians, instructs us on the answer to be given to the friend of God. Man must allow himself to be transformed by the gifts, by divine qualities, especially by love, forgiveness and service.

To talk to Jesus is to talk to God. His goodness was such that He revealed Himself to us in the form of Jesus.

Philip, he who sees me sees the Father. Let us feel the fullness of His love for us in the God of love, the God who tore his own heart out of love. If the commandments sum up to love God above all things, and love thy neighbor as he hath loved us, then let us know that the Lord not only first created us, but out of love for us gave himself up to death. .

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Spirit is asking and receiving.

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