Himars missiles that destroy 30 Russian targets already have tribute music. Ukraine asks for more. Russia Responds With Kamikaze Drones – Observer

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HIMARS missiles, step Grid news, Hit more than 30 Russian targets Fighting the Russian way in Ukraine. They have been supplied to Ukraine by Western countries, particularly the United States, and Ukraine has been able to hit some of these missiles, according to the Kyiv Independent. Targets in Russian Logistics in the Occupied Territories.

Kyiv Independent writes that Himars were first used against Russian-controlled bridges, transit points and airport infrastructure. But now Ukraine has targeted the missiles as an anti-aircraft defense and may have even had two Russian fighters shot down by Russian forces trying to intercept the missiles.

In less than a week, Russia will shoot down two Russian fighter jets

What appears to be a successful missile operation has already led to a formation Music as a Tribute. Ukrainian soldier Taras Borovok, who previously wrote a song about the Turkish Pavraktar drone, has now released a new song as a tribute to the Himars. “Hello Tuesday [hi-mars]. America’s trusted ally is here. Do you want to meet him?” he sings.

Technology “High Mobility Artillery Rocket System” (known by the acronym HIMARS) were supplied to Ukraine from the West, mostly by the United States. These missiles GPS-guided and has a range twice as long as previously offered. They have a range of up to 80 kilometers and have six tubes preloaded with guided missiles.

Himars is the longest-range missile the US is sending to Ukraine

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Ukraine is asking for more HIMARS missiles. Battlefields now have 8 to 12 Himars. Four more pieces of equipment were announced on Friday, bringing the total to 16. Reports from Ukraine say the number they want is in the hundreds. According to the Washington Post.

To combat these weapons, Russia will increase its use of kamikaze drones. According to confidentialThere are many models of these tools, It is considered to have an important advantage over traditional weapons, capable of flying for several hours.

Kamikazes cover many areas with other drones, and when they spot a target, they attack it, requiring an operator to decide. This is how the Russians destroyed a Ukrainian artillery truck, according to a video posted on Twitter.

Quoted by El Confidencial, expert Samuel Bendet recently said, “The Russian Defense Minister said Russia’s main objective at the moment is to eliminate Ukraine’s long-range artillery and missiles.. To achieve this, Bendet says, the Russians are resorting to kamikaze drones.

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