Here you can’t walk the street naked, in underwear or with sex toys. It’s bachelor parties’ fault

Malaga prohibits walking naked on public roads, wearing only underwear or carrying objects of a sexual nature. Violators will be fined up to 750 euros and the measure comes into force this Thursday.

The stag parties that take place in this part of Spain seem to be to blame. Therefore, the municipality of Málaga took steps to modify the law governing cohabitation between citizens and justified by the “increase” in recent years of behaviors associated with underwear or erotic accessories in public spaces exclusively associated with private celebrations. Spanish newspaper explains the world.

However, the new guidance stipulates that authorities must inform anyone involved in such activities beforehand and that “a formal complaint should only be made if unacceptable behavior continues”. Sanctions imposed in each case.

36(7) of the Ordinance in question states that these behaviors “shall be considered minor infringements and shall be subject to a fine of up to 750 euros”.

Published this Wednesday in the Province’s Official Gazette (BOP), Málaga enters a new administrative process on Thursday with the aim of protecting public space as a place for meeting, coexistence and civilization among citizens.

The move was formally approved in September after all complaints and recommendations were presented to the Malaga municipality.

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