Halo Infinite Briefly Names Juneteenth Themed Cosmetics “Bonobo”

A Spartan man holds a sniper rifle in Halo Infinite during a Juneteenth logo display.

screenshot: 343 Industries / Kotaku

Last night, developer 343 Industries rolled out a Juneteenth-themed cosmetics option for infinite auraMultiplayer shooter. For a moment, the pan-African color palette was titled “Bonobo.” a bonobosfor those who don’t know, is an endangered great ape.

I don’t need to tell you how distasteful this is.

infinite aura, which is based on the free-to-play model, is “reset” weekly – when a slew of new cosmetics and modes enter the game, aiming to keep the feeling of shock – every Tuesday at 2:00 PM ET. This week, 343 Industries added a free but time-limited nameplate to commemorate Juneteenth, a federal day marking the end of slavery in the United States.

It’s 4:45 p.m. Eastern time Hello Content Creator Shawn W Post a video on YouTube Explain the situation. Yes, the nameplate itself is called “Juneteenth”. But its color option, which you can access via a secondary submenu, is initially listed as “Bonobo”. By 5:10 PM ET, Shawn W observed in Twitter Overhauled – Probably the fastest solution ever rolled out infinite auratroubled history– It is now called “Freedom”. However, it totally boggles the mind how this happened in the first place.

If you are familiar with developing infinite aura And I want to chat, my inbox is always open. You can contact me at [email protected].

on twitter, Hello Senior Community Manager John Junyszek said the board’s naming was “incorrect” and attributed The error is in the “Internal Toolkit”, but did not specify any other details. The Hello Content creator Mint Blitz as well pointed out That one of the programs in Bungie development tools earlier Hello The games are called “Bonobo”. (After 343 Industries took over Hello A franchise a decade ago, original developer Bungie passed the keys to many development tools.)

Person familiar with development Hellowho spoke with him Kotaku On condition of anonymity, he confirmed that Bonobo is indeed an asset editing program in 343. Although it was in common use during development Halo 5The studio stayed away from using it while developing infinite aura. But it does exist. It is popular among the employees. And he will be widely known by many of the studio’s employees.

It’s mind boggling how this happened in the first place.

Spartan holding a sniper rifle in Halo Infinite while standing in front of "freedom" Color palette option.

The color palette of the board, which was originally called “Bonobo”, is called “Freedom”.
screenshot: 343 Industries / Kotaku

It’s unclear whether the Bonobo program name will be automatically pulled into the color palette name text field. It’s possible that a staff member punched in the program’s name as alt text, and the studio’s normal processes of quality checks on this stuff didn’t catch it. (Jerry Hawke, longtime head of design at 343, He left the studio last month. Familiar multiple sources No finalHe told us his development, and they all asked not to be named Kotaku This hook heads up the game’s cosmetic system.) Microsoft, Kotaku He was told he had several quality checks before anything made its way to a public-facing position.

For seven months now, infinite aura Put up several cosmetic options on a weekly basis, including no shortage of color options. This is the first time this specific error has occurred – and come on. Come on. To get the nameplate Regarding Juneteenth? truly??? So, at best, it’s embarrassing, and you didn’t find out about studio quality before the update started. At worst, someone, or several people, cracked a racist joke somewhere during the development process, and the studio’s quality checks didn’t catch it before the update rolled out. Either way, it’s an institutional failure.

The studio leadership at 343 seems to acknowledge how ugly this look is. infinite aura Chief Creative Officer Joe Staten apologized on Twitter, writingOur mistake today was unforgivable, and I am ashamed that we let it happen. Studio Head Bonnie Ross WroteOn behalf of 343, I apologize for making a celebratory moment a painful one.

But the main Hello Channels, which has a much broader reach than that of any individual employee, has yet to release an official statement or explanation, except for retweeting Ross’ apology. When reached for comment, 343 Industries representatives had nothing to add.

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