German punks “invade” the vacation spot of the rich.

A crest of hair, sometimes dyed and sometimes plucked, skin Drilling And black clothes with tattoos and anti-establishment symbols make it clear that the tourist island of the German elite welcomes groups of punks.

For the third year in a row, last weekend, young people started arriving by train to the island of Sylt. They say that it is organized by following leftist ideology An anti-punk camp lasts six weeks.

Group spokesperson Action ChildMarvin Pederke, 24, is from Frankfurt and told the German Press Agency that “several hundred people will be on the ground during the protest”.

Bederke expects 300 participants in a makeshift camp near the local Tinnam airport.

This Monday, around 30 small tents were set up to mark the start of the new edition. Punk groups founded there say the move is “a protest camp for solidarity – climate-friendly and embracing a common future without culture”.The process of urban transformation and social replacement of areas in the historical core, from where the poor are removed.

“The main problem of Silat – rich people move here, the island is redeveloped, others cannot live here”said co-organizer Jonas Hodger, 24, who hails from Frankfurt. However, protecting the environment and climate change are at the core of the camp. Participants say they want to work together “for a better tomorrow.”

Their presence was noticed by authorities, who warned the group to sleep in tents, use chemical toilets and put garbage in containers until the camp was cleared on the afternoon of September 6, said Hans-Martin Slobianka, a district spokesman for North Friesland.

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Florian Korte, spokesperson for Silt management, believes the group will not cause problems for the seaside resort: “We assume that the opposition camps will remain calm” He told DPA news agency. “Discussions with North Frisia District Police and regulatory authorities have been very constructive,” he added.

Punks in festival version

The protest began in 2022, when Germany introduced a nine-euro monthly pass for public transport across the country.

The punks took the opportunity to travel to Sylt in the summer, to the displeasure of wealthy seasonal tourists.Action Child has planned rallies and cultural events during their stay on the island, along with workshops and art activities.

Pederke and his colleagues use Funding at the meeting To raise money for food, toilet cleaning, garbage collection and platform. Around 560 euros had been donated by lunchtime on Monday.

Marko Hohn, a trade union leader and writer known for his left-wing ideology, will travel from Stuttgart in the southwest to a meeting on August 7. Your wealth throws me off (Your wealth makes me vomit) You will read excerpts from your book Rich and ugly (rich and ugly).

Germany’s Pogo Anarchist Party (APPD), which describes itself as “the party of thugs and social parasites since 1981”, said it would be back this year.

The anarchists noted that Sylt authorities had previously used an “anti-punk wall” and a €100,000 art installation at the camp. They say there have been “attempts to impose taxes to deter dissent in the past”.

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“We are happy to use any harassment from Silt’s high society as an opportunity to infuriate them further,” the party said.

“We will once again flood the favorite vacation destination of the rich and beautiful Cheap touristsThey finished.

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