From Hot Dogs to Wagner Mercenaries. Putin’s chef is gaining power in the Kremlin and his army is even more important in the war – the spectator

No coincidences. Wagner, who gives his name to mercenaries working on behalf of the Kremlin in the Ukrainian war, is not just Wagner. Richard, a 19th-century German composer who wrote some anti-Semitic essays and was a favorite of Adolf Hitler, was hailed as an example of German superiority. The Wagner group has members associated with white supremacyOn the Ukrainian side, there are people with the same profile Azov Battalion. While the far-right-aligned Ukrainians are known for their role in the Battle of Azovstal and brutal military resistance, the Wagner Group – long active in Africa – is proving to be the most suitable battalion on the Russian side.

Where are you now? They were the main forces of the Kremlin in the Battle of Pakmut, In the Donetsk, Donbass region, an important battle is taking place at this stage of the war. An hour’s drive away, in Hirske, Lukansk, they built The Wagner line is called: The two kilometer long pyramids are placed with small gaps between them to block the enemy’s progress.

Azov. Neo-Nazis or Russian Propaganda? History and Ideology of the Mariupol Resistance Brigade

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