Francisco Pedro Balsemão: “In Impreza, there is only one owner for the comments and analysis, and only those who create them are responsible”

Francisco Pedro Balcemo, CEO of Impreza Group, which owns Expresso and SIC, wrote this Saturday Opinion essay He reacts to statements by businessman Mario Ferreira in Público General interview. “At Impreza, there is only one owner of opinion and analysis, and only those who pronounce them are responsible”, assures Balcemo. In Impreza he further insists.We value liberty and freedom more than Mario Ferreira conceives.

In an interview in the August 23 edition of Público, Mario Ferreira, who Chairman of the Board of Directors of Media Capital, Commenting on the opinion piece, Ana Gomes, a commentator, considered it “unacceptable for a competing channel to allow and encourage a certain element to go there”. In SIC News.

Impreza CEO Mario Ferreira deemed the statements “false, defamatory and offensive”. Francisco Pedro Balsemão, “At Impreza, we do not use information or opinion spaces to disparage or attack people, companies or competitors”, rejecting the possibility of instrumentalizing the opinions of shareholders and managers.

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