Following the news of the heart attack, Moscow releases a video of the Russian Defense Minister speaking in public – Viewer

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After two weeks away from public place (What aroused suspicion) And is said to exist Hearing Putin whipping caused a heart attack, Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu was once again seen speaking in public. Shoiku Appears in a video Released this Saturday by the Russian Ministry of Defense He chaired a meeting of senior military officials and discussed the supply of arms to Russian troops in Ukraine.

Where is Sergei Shoiku? Russian Defense Minister and Putin’s ally have been missing for 12 days

We are a pioneer in lending weapons and equipment”, Shoiku says in the video. “The priority is to maintain the readiness of long-range, high-precision weapons, aircraft equipment and strategic nuclear forces.”

Due to the lack of public space for a long time, This raised possible disagreements within the Kremlin or raised suspicions about the Russian defense minister’s health problems in the midst of the war.Shoiku Briefly reappearedOn Thursday, a video conference with Vladimir Putin, but without sound and dubious interruption – it raised new doubts about the authenticity of the images.

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Russian Defense Minister is said to have reappeared in talks with Putin, but before that there was a suspicious interruption.

After his mysterious reappearance, the theory that Shoiku had suffered a heart attack began to spread after he heard condemnation from Vladimir Putin over the failure of the Ukrainian invasion. The theory was put forward on social media by former Ukrainian Deputy Interior Minister Anton Zherashchenko, who is currently an adviser to the ministry..

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