Exodus of thousands of people from “Burning Man” (after three days in the mud) | America

It took 48 hours for the mud field to become a festival burning man Finally dry. Last Friday, three days before the end of the festival in the US state of Nevada, a storm hit Black Rock City and buried the Burning Man in the mud. Now that the rain has stopped and the sun is shining, a caravan of thousands of people is crossing the dry, muddy desert.

Images taken on the ground using the company’s drones and satellites Maxar Technologies See huge lines of cars and motor homes, vans and trucks on dirt roads. Finally thousands of people leave burning man North American Labor Day, marked on September 4th, is actually the last day of the event. But the event ended early due to heavy rain.

One person died during the storm and is still being investigated by police – the case has not been released by authorities. Between the storm over the weekend and the departure order on Monday, when the stadium had already allowed movement, a crowd waited for the mud to dry. At the festival grounds. Many have tried to get around on foot in recent days, when car traffic is still restricted.

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