Ex-GTA Dev’s next open-world game looks ambitious, looks mysterious

A picture of a lush forest with a beautiful sun shining on it.

Beautiful but generic, isn’t it?
screenshot: Building a Rocket Boy / Kotaku

Leslie Benzes, former major developer of Rockstar Games and president of GT The makers of Rockstar North appeared during Gamescom’s inaugural Night Live broadcast today to reveal the studio’s next highly ambitious and mysterious game. Everywhere. No, that’s really the title, and if you’re confused about what this is…well, we are.

Geoff Keighley kicks off the two-hour livestream with a world premiere – really, a teaser – from Everywhere. Developed by Build a Rocket Boy, the project has been described as an open-world adventure game with smooth multiplayer with a dream of “building a whole new world for the next generation of gamers,” according to one of the developers during the briefing. . Other goals to build a rocket boy Everywhere The ambition to “create this open world that can be built in every direction” and focus on the current zeitgeist includes “what it means to represent yourself digitally.” In other words, Everywhere Seems like something somewhat metaverse. amazing.

But what any of this means remains to be seen because there hasn’t been an iota of actual gameplay. Hell, there wasn’t any CGI animation staring at it. The entire three minutes or so were just developers talking about plans Everywhere In this way Roblox– Like a creative platform punctuated by an artistic idea. Everything looks beautiful, especially the detailed environments, just the fuzzy AF.


Like what it actually is Everywhere? Is it a first person shooter? Adventure and action from a third person perspective? Kind of a narrative puzzle? Who do you know? I know I don’t.

After the short teaser, Assistant Game Director Adam Whiting took to the stage to talk a little more about him Everywhere. However, his answers were very evasive.

“I won’t be able to reveal everything, but what I can say is we’re really not trying to play a normal game,” Whiting said. “I think the scope and ambitions of this project are very different from anything else. We want to build a whole new world for gamers. Not just a place to play, but you can watch, share, create content, hang out with your friends and much more.” So, yeah, it looks just like fortnite.

You can learn more about Everywhere by going to its Official website. If you’re curious to know when and where it launches, we also don’t, but Whiting said the game should land in players’ hands sometime next year.

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