EU parliaments set conditions for restoring ties with Russia

“No“According to international law, until the Russian Federation accepts responsibility for the damage and war crimes committed on the territory of Ukraine, a fundamental relationship with the Russian Federation cannot be resumed”, points out the final declaration of the Conference of Presidents. Parliaments of the European Union, which ends today in Prague, Czech Republic.

Of the 27 points in the final declaration, 13 relate to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, classified as “barbaric and insidious,” in addition to being a “flagrant violation of the United Nations Charter,” EFE reported.

The document was signed by the presidents of the 37 parliaments of the 26 member states of the European Union or their representatives, the President of the European Parliament, Roberta Metzola, and the presidents or their representatives of the eight candidate countries for the European Union. Union.

A footnote to the Final Declaration points out that “certain parts” of the final decisions of the Prague meeting “do not reflect the majority opinion” of the Hungarian Parliament.

The preamble to the conclusions states, “It is recognized that due to constitutional positions some parliaments and they cannot directly associate themselves with substantial political statements and, therefore, they should not be considered to indicate specific support for all sections”. Document.

“Nevertheless, on behalf of their parliaments and chambers, they recognize the importance of the issues addressed and the objectives of their colleagues when proposing specific ways”, adds the introduction of the final declaration on the protection offered by the Hungarian Parliament.

The attack on Ukraine “represents a direct attack on the foundations of European security built after the Second World War”, the signatories of the document signed today recalled, adding that “eight member states of the European Union are direct neighbors of the Russian Federation or invaded Ukraine”, which created a security crisis.

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It also recognizes Ukraine’s inalienable right to defend itself against Russian aggression and to end the war, including respect for Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky’s ten-point peace plan and respect for the country’s territorial integrity.

Pressure should be maintained on Russia with sanctions to reduce its revenue from trade with democracies, thereby weakening its military capabilities.

The recent agreement between Moscow and Minsk (Belarus) to transfer tactical nuclear weapons to Belarusian territory has been condemned by neighboring Poland, Lithuania and Latvia, all three members of the European Union.

The signatories welcome the supply of arms to Ukraine and point out that thanks to the supply of these arms and ammunition, Kiev has been able to defend itself against Russian aggression until today.

Despite attempts to introduce a ceasefire clause into the declaration, it was rejected by Ukrainian representative Ruslan Stepanchuk.

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