EU candidate status as ‘just a few meters away from climbing Mount Everest’ – Observer

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The last meters in the capture of Mount Everest. This is how Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zhelensky sees the path the country must take to achieve EU membership.

“Imagine conquering Everest. They won the final point, they did not look back or get a little wind or stop or talk about disappearing to the top, ”the head of state explained. “How difficult it will be to cross the last 1848 meters. We immediately forget and discredit our own success.

In the daily text published in Presidential Website According to Zhelensky, the “first seven thousand meters” of the road should always be remembered and read that the Ukrainian people “should not be ashamed to talk about their achievements”.

“Privatization, agrarian reforms, free voting, decentralization, anti-corruption tribunals, administrative service centers, online public services, concepts, common airspace, visa-free industrial governance and ‘oligarchy’,” Zhelensky said, listing several steps. Taken across the country to meet the requirements for application to the EU. “A lot has been done and we will never forget it.”

On the issue of “expulsion of Russians” from the territory, the Ukrainian leader urged citizens not to rejoice in Moscow’s “slander” but to be proud of Ukraine.

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