Easter Second Sunday Reflection: “Divine Mercy Sunday”

In the Gospel, Jesus breathes upon the disciples and informs them of his own mission to create a new society, a better brotherly society.

Father Cesar Augusto, SJ – Vatican News

“The Mission of the Disciples”

When St. Luke, in the Acts of the Apostles, describes the first Christian community, he wants to encourage all of us not to settle for models of society that are not in harmony with the Christian spirit. A society of rich and poor, poor and needy, exploiters and exploited people is an unnatural, sinful society that attacks the divine plans. We cannot accept it, and for the sake of the faith of the Christian faith, we must reject it.

A community conforming to Christian precepts, says Luke, “is an assembly of true people of one heart and one soul. No one considers the things that belong to him to be his own, but all that is between them is common. It is made up of a truly resurrected people, free to share and not afraid of death.”

Because they were resurrected they shared: fear, fear of sharing, being without, dying, attachment to the things of this world no longer had power over them. Thus, they ended poverty and large estates. They are brothers! Everyone had everything, everyone lived decently!

The second text tells us that the person who lives the teachings of Acts believes in Jesus because they follow Jesus' commandments and have faith. Jesus commanded to love your neighbor as yourself.

In the Gospel, Jesus breathes upon the disciples and informs them of his own mission to create a new society, a better brotherly society. His life, according to Christian teachings, condemns the sin of the world and shows its obsolescence, while it shows the shared life, the free, the absence of the needy, the eternal joy that the shared life brings.

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Dear hearers, we need the goods of this world, to use them, but not to be slaves to them; They were created to serve us. Therefore, through the Christian gesture of sharing, let us create a new society and turn them into spiritual wealth. In this way, we know how to bestow perishable things with imperishable, eternal, charity, and love.

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