DuckDuckGo removes search results for major hacking sites

DuckDuckGo Suppress dodgy content It is now extended to include digital take-off. TorrentFreak she has Discover That the search engine no longer lists results for some major hacking sites, including The Pirate Bay, 1337x and Fmovies – search for anything from their domains and you’ll come up empty-handed. Live streaming and hacking sites like Flixtor and 2conv do not produce any results, while other hacker outlets (like RarBG) may only show one result instead of the hundreds of thousands you see elsewhere.

Video Downloader Website youtube-dl Nor has it yielded any results despite recent defenses about its legality. While the RIAA portrayed YouTube-dl as a hacking tool, the Electronic Frontier Foundation, GitHub, and others have found that it does not rip DRM-protected material.

We’ve asked DuckDuckGo for comment. Like TorrentFreak He says, though, that liability for copyright violations may be an issue. The company has removed pirated “bangs” (shortcuts for hacking sites) since 2018, and competitors like Google and Microsoft are already doing Decrease the order of results related to hacking. Such a move could protect DuckDuckGo from costly copyright battles.

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