Does cinnamon tea “kill” cravings for sweets?

Drinking a cup of cinnamon tea helps to “kill” the “uncontrollable urge to eat sweets,” according to social media.

According to one of the many posts shared on Facebook, the drink “helps control blood sugar levels, which can help reduce cravings for sugary foods”. But will it be?

Does cinnamon tea help “kill” sweet cravings?

Cinnamon tea

Actually, there’s a lot Little scientific evidence Cinnamon tea supports consumption as a way to control the “uncontrollable” urge to eat sweets.

Margarita Peja, a nutritionist in the United Kingdom (the equivalent of a registered dietitian) explains to Viral, “Cinnamon is associated with a reduction in blood glucose, but, especially for tea, there are few studies to give a definitive answer” to the question.

Also João Pedro Lima, nutritionist and professor Coimbra Higher School of Health TechnologyThis charge classifies a “Legend”.

The expert hypothesizes that these publications shared on networks are based on the possible impact of cinnamon on the “glycemic index”, but he points out that there is “no relevant evidence” even for this issue.

“There are few trials that have analyzed the intake of fixed amounts of carbohydrates consumed with and without cinnamon. The effect of consuming these carbohydrates with cinnamon on the glycemic index. is less”, explains the nutritionist.

According to Margarita Peja, “there is evidence that cinnamon consumption can have positive effects on glycemic control”. However, he points out, “Not sure Depending on the amount, concentration and duration of intake, it will be effective Studies are very heterogeneous”.

Margarita Peja mentioned above “There may be an uncontrollable desire to eat sweets Various reasons”. Therefore, he argues, the approach to solving this problem “must focus on that, not on a specific product.”

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At the same level, he underlines that “if there is a desire, it is important to satisfy it”, “control only increases excessive consumption”.

On the other hand, Bija insists, “This issue should be addressed in nutritional counseling and ultimately, Psychotherapy So the causes of the problem are analyzed before thinking about solutions.”

“There are no magic recipes. When it stems from emotional reasons, they must be considered, and in these cases, the truth is Nothing will change What a person wants to eat at that time,” he says.

Although there is no strong evidence on the benefits of cinnamon tea for weight loss, this drink does not have great benefits either. Associated risks.

“If someone likes cinnamon, they can add it (to tea or not). [na alimentação]But still It is not a miracle product “It does not completely change the treatment used in glycemic control,” he concludes.

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