Creepy VR lets you relive memories

By Stacy Liberatore for

21:31 Feb 24, 2023 updated 22:35 Feb 24, 2023

Reliving the moments of our lives may seem like the plot of Netflix’s Black Mirror, but new technology will soon allow people to enter a captured memory.

Wist is developing a smartphone app to record memorable moments that is uploaded to a virtual reality headset, allowing users to interact with their previously lived experiences.

The software captures the 3D information of footage to turn any recording into an immersive world.

The VR app, called Vivid, is in beta on iOS, but it can be paired with a Quest VR headset and lets users invite friends to join them in their memories.

A VR app transforms footage captured with a smartphone and uploads it to a virtual reality headset so you can relive the memories

Mirroring the plot of Black Mirror’s The Entire History of You, the VR app has people accessing memories through an implant that records everything they see.

This technology allows them to rewind, zoom and inspect scenes of their daily lives.

However, the memories you record on a smartphone are vividly shown.

Wist founder Andrew McHugh said this is possible because of the sensors and software in modern smartphones with 3D capture technology.

“The right combination of this new technology could allow us to capture: spatial moments in time that you can look back on,” Hughes shared in a Medium post.

And the right design and engineering can make this as easy as taking a video. We can make real pens.

To recover the memory, users record an experience using the Vivid app, which collects the information needed to turn 2D footage into a 3D world, Free thinking reports.

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Mirroring the plot of Black Mirror’s movie The Entire History of You, the VR app has people accessing memories through an implant that records everything they see
You are transported into the virtual world while still in the comfort of your own home. The screen displays a play button to activate your memories
Users can also pause the experiment with the press of a button

“During capture, we save color, depth, device position, audio, and scene information,” McHugh explained to Freethink.

Depth capture is done using the LiDAR sensors on the Pro model iPhones and iPads.

The smartphone app can also display 3D footage without a VR headset

The app and software are still in their infancy, showing blurry videos and missing parts of a scene.

However, Wist wants to improve the app before it is officially released.

The concept was also developed by a developer who recreated his experiences captured by Snapchat Spectacles.

Lucas Rizzotto wore the specs for one year, filming himself every day, and used the footage to create a virtual reality “time machine” that allows him to relive any experience he wants from 2019.

Rizzotto used a pair of Snapchat Spectacles 3 that have two cameras built into the frame, which can record video in stereoscopic 3D.

He made a video detailing the process of building a virtual reality “time machine”.

Equipped with an Oculus Rift S t VR time machine and wearing a Nintendo Power Glove just for visual effect, Rizzotto recorded his first jump in time to one year in the past which was projected onto a huge screen for viewers to watch.

This was his first moment in time, Rizzuto said with a laugh: “I am on a tree, eating bread.”

“Watching yourself live your life as an outsider really affects you,” Rizzotto explained in the video.

You can gain insight into who you are that you couldn’t get otherwise. She learned a bunch of things about me just by watching it and the project as a whole made me realize that I was often too harsh and mean to myself as a human being. This guy I was watching was… trying his best.

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