Cornwall To Build Further With Digital Support Grant


Cornwall has long been a strong base for entrepreneurs who are looking to start and grow a business. According to local expert Sue Hook, the last few decades have seen it become a rural centre for creativity, sustainability and innovation.

It is also about to be given an even greater boost due to a recently announced digital support grant.

According to the Business Consultant at the Cornwall Business Enterprise Centre, Shauna Baggs, there is going to be additional support for small businesses across the county, with the centre receiving a $65,000 grant from the Digital Main Street program.

The program itself will help communities across Cornwall create new revenue streams, inspire innovative practices, expand markets and, very simply, boost the confidence and optimism that has been sorely missing from the business landscape over the last few years.

The results of the grant could also make Cornwall even more of a hotspot for fledgling businesses.

Importance Of Location In Business

The results of the grant could also make Cornwall even more of a hotspot for fledgling businesses. Choosing a location for a business, however, is one of the first steps that must be closely considered and analysed. Across the UK, businesses are struggling with high manufacturing costs, rising raw material costs, as well as elevated shipping costs.

One of the ways to unavoidable ways to alleviate marginal issues is through raising the prices of the product itself, but this can easily backfire if there isn’t already a solid, loyal customer base – especially when it comes to B2B companies, who rely on b2b loyalty to prosper even outside of current inflation fears.

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In order to attain this customer base, a company must be in the right location, to begin with. By choosing the location efficiently, a startup might be able to capitalise on attaining the best employees and be surrounded by their target market to ensure long-term performance.

Cornwall As A Business Location

Cornwall, then, must be scrutinised just as closely as any other location in the UK. Having said that, over the last few years, it has become particularly renowned for its tourism brands, IT and technology sector, as well as agribusiness.

For start-up companies looking to advance in this sector, Cornwall might be the perfect place – over more popular business cities in the UK, such as London, Manchester, Bristol or Edinburgh – to set up shop and begin development.

Going back to the digital support grant, this could also be an important development when it comes to the long-term future. Of course, in the short term, a large amount of effort must be made to acquire a strong customer base in the county — rising above competitors with superior digital marketing schemes and loyalty programs to build incentives. But innovation is still just as important as it was before the current financial market, if not more so.

For businesses across the UK, setting the sights on simply surviving will undoubtedly lead to being overtaken by competitors who are focused on growth and renewal. With the digital support grant, innovation looks to be placed front and centre, making it a truly exciting prospect for businesses already existing in the county and the start ups who are choosing Cornwall to begin their journey.

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