Christ Hospital, Anthem reach agreement on a new contract

Christ Hospital, Anthem reach agreement on a new contract

After months of negotiations, the local hospital network and its insurance company finally came to an agreement. Anthem Blue Cross, Ohio’s Blue Shield, and The Christ Hospital Health Network announced Friday that they have finalized a new agreement that will ensure continued access to high-quality care for all Anthem members at all of The Christ Hospital Health Network’s facilities and physician groups. Anthem is committed to providing access to quality, results-based healthcare. Our work at Anthem also focuses on affordability for healthcare consumers and this new agreement helps us achieve that goal,” said Jane Peterson, [/related] The hospital said the new deal allows them to focus on helping patients with their care. “We are very pleased to have reached an agreement with Anthem/BCBS so we can focus on what matters most, our patients,” said Debbie Hayes, President and CEO of The Christ Hospital Health Network. We will continue to provide access to the highest quality care in our region, all in an affordable manner. We are grateful for the support from the community during these discussions and promise to continue to do whatever it takes to achieve our mission.”

After months of negotiations, the local hospital network and its insurance company finally came to an agreement.

Anthem Blue Cross, Ohio’s Blue Shield, and The Christ Hospital Health Network announced Friday that they have finalized a new agreement that will ensure continued access to high-quality care for all Anthem members at all of The Christ Hospital Health Network’s facilities and physician groups.

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Anthem is committed to providing access to quality, results-based healthcare. يركز عملنا في Anthem أيضًا على القدرة على تحمل التكاليف لمستهلكي الرعاية الصحية ، وتساعدنا هذه الاتفاقية الجديدة على تحقيق هذا الهدف ، “قالت جين بيترسون ،[المقيمةفيAnthemBlueCrossandBlueShield”يسعدناأنناعملنابحسننيةمعTheChristHospitalHealthNetworkلضماناستمرارأعضائنافيالوصولإلىالرعايةالتييحتاجونإليها”[residentofAnthemBlueCrossandBlueShield“We’repleasedtohaveworkedingoodfaithwithTheChristHospitalHealthNetworktoensureourmemberscancontinuetoaccessthecaretheyneed”[المقيمةفيAnthemBlueCrossandBlueShield”يسعدناأنناعملنابحسننيةمعTheChristHospitalHealthNetworkلضماناستمرارأعضائنافيالوصولإلىالرعايةالتييحتاجونإليها”[residentofAnthemBlueCrossandBlueShield“We’repleasedtohaveworkedingoodfaithwithTheChristHospitalHealthNetworktoensureourmemberscancontinuetoaccessthecaretheyneed”

The hospital said the new deal allows them to focus on helping patients with their care.

“We are very pleased to have reached an agreement with Anthem/BCBS so we can focus on what matters most, our patients,” said Debbie Hayes, President and CEO of The Christ Hospital Health Network. We will continue to provide access to the highest quality care in our region, all in an affordable manner. We are grateful for the support from the community during these discussions and promise to continue to do whatever it takes to achieve our mission.”

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