Capcom Spotlight: When to watch a showcase of new Capcom games

Publisher Capcom will stream a new digital showcase event on Thursday, giving fans an update on Resident Evil 4 remake, Monster Hunter Rise: sunriseAnd Mega Man Battle Network Legacy CollectionAnd ExoprimalAnd Ghost Trick: The Phantom Detective. Thursday’s Capcom Spotlight Show may also have some surprises, but Capcom isn’t promising anything beyond the five games announced.

the vampire 4 The remake is due out soon – on March 23rd – so it’s not clear what else Capcom will say about it, other than fleshing out the promised The Mercenaries mode in the game. We also promise a playable demo, which looks like we might get it during or right after the Capcom Spotlight stream.

monster hunter Altitude: sunrise He has a new free major update coming in April, so Monster Hunter fans will likely get a sneak peek at what content Capcom has in store.

the Mega Man Battle Network Heritage group Also arrives in April. The collection includes 10 titles from the Game Boy Advance series, and will be available on Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, and Windows PC.

Exoprimal It doesn’t have a release date yet, but the 2023 game is expected sometime this summer.

Ghost Trick: The Phantom Detective Also expected this summer, when the latest port of the 2010 action-adventure game is set to hit Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, Windows PC and Xbox One.

What is the date of the Capcom show?

Capcom Spotlight will start at 5:30 PM EST / 2:30 PM PST and is expected to last about 26 minutes. The introductory show will start at 5:10 PM EST / 2:10 PM PT. Everything will be streamed live on Capcom Youtube And twitch channels.

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You can see Capcom’s new demo in the YouTube video above.

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