Capcom admits to Street Fighter 6 leak, confirms use of RE engine

Capcom Twitter took over to discuss all of Street Fighter 6 Leaked character list and use of RE engine in the game. For the first, the acknowledgment seems to refer to the originality of the pictures that found its way on the Internet. As for the latter, it was an official announcement to help provide more information about the game.

First, Capcom put up a file Street Fighter 6 List leaked June 3, 2022. She thanked people for their support and reactions to the characters and their designs. It has not provided any confirmation as to its validity or when these designs were displayed. However, I did acknowledge that this is going to be a Metro City game.

As for the Street Fighter 6 Using the RE Engine, he noted, the goal is to combine graffiti effects with realistic character designs. Other modern games to use include Resident Evil 7And the Resident Evil VillageAnd the Monster Hunter Rise. Street Fighter V Unreal Engine 4 is used.

Street Fighter 6 It will reach PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 5 in 2023.

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