Can two cyclists ride side by side on the road?

When talking about cyclists on the road, there are always many opinions and even debates. However, an amendment to the Highway Code in 2013 clarifies some issues. Can two cyclists ride side by side on the road?

Cyclists Can run parallel on the road...

In Article 90.º (Rules for drivers) "Bicycles Can run in parallel on a single trackNo more than two bicycles shall be carried except on roads with low visibility or heavy traffic. Do not endanger or inconvenience traffic".

The law also states that "cyclists must ride on the right side of the road, keeping a sufficient distance from the curb or sidewalk to avoid accidents."

In connection with that "Reduced visibility", the public relations office of the Public Security Police (PSP) clarified to Poligrafo Sapo, "Reduced visibility" is reflected in Article 19 of the Highway Code: "Whenever the driver has reduced visibility or is insufficient. The carriageway cannot be seen in its full width At least to an extent 50 meters".

In short…

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