Bruce Springsteen director defends ticket prices amid backlash

Bruce Springsteen And the E StreetIt was very much expected 2023 round He faced one major sticking point with his beloved audience: Ticketmaster’s “dynamic pricing.” Fans with access codes were offered tickets priced between $1,000 and $5,000, which became the subject of a backlash on social media. Springsteen manager John Landau issued a statement defending the tour ticket pricing model.

Landau said in a statement to New York times. “We chose fares below some and on par with others. Regardless of commenting on a modest number of tickets costing $1,000 or more, our true average ticket price was in the mid-$200 range. I think in today’s environment, it’s more This is a fair price to see someone universally regarded as among the greatest artists of his generation.”

Ticketmaster recently offered a file similar line: “Price and formats are in line with industry standards for top performers.” The company argued that only 1.3 percent of tickets sold went over $1,000. A Ticketmaster spokeswoman told times. “When the number of people who want to attend an event is much greater than the number of tickets available, the prices go up.”

Springsteen’s last solo album was 2019 western stars and 2020 message for you.

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